Keith "Big Papa" Shapiro

It's not often that you can find a blues DJ that also crows about his fried chicken. That certainly gives Keith "Big Papa" Shapiro's "chirp scratches" a whole new meaning. He's even challenged another Blues Dancing pioneer, Damon Stone, to a fried chicken throwdown! Well, as it happens, Damon will also be in attendance (more on that later) - what a coincidence - so I vote for Friday Fried Chicken Night! Anyone with me? I'm sure that between spinning platters, "Big Papa" (He loves being called that. Well, what man doesn't? Really.) and Damon could offer up platters of BP or DS FC. That way, we'll all dance for our supper! What a great way to kill two birds (er...probably more with this crowd) with one Damon Stone. Oh, alright - probably won't happen. But...we can dream, can't we?
If "Big Papa's" chicken can feed your tummy (his wife and two children swear by it), his music can feed your soul. Check out his podcast and you'll get the idea.
So, ok, chickadees - you'll have to bring your own eats. But it best be protein.
'Cuz when "Big Papa" brings his blues to the Big Apple - all the way from Austin - he plays (or Bobby Flays) for keeps. Count on his set cooking with gas, frying your freestyles and kicking major butt. And that's not chicken scratch.

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